Walkabout Show - Episode Highlights

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From hillwalking in Cape Breton to the rocky trails of the South Shore, Walkabout takes you on Nova Scotia's unique trails, profiling the natural beauty to be found on each one. Join host Andrew Younger as he explores the trails of our beautiful province. 
Staring in September 2024, we'll post recommended episodes each month. Watch this space for new episodes or go directly to the Walkabout YouTube channel and browse through episodes from four seasons. 

Walkabout S3E2 Gold Brook & Cape Smokey

Western Cape Breton has changed a lot over the last century
or so. Host Andrew Younger starts in the Margaree looking
for evidence of an old gold mine in the Gold Brook Valley
on this hike, and follows up with a trip to the top of Cape
Smokey for a short hike across the top of the mountain.
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