Guided Hikes & Walks

Fall Guided Hike & Walk Series 2024

Hike Nova Scotia and 19 host organizations offer the Fall Guided Hike & Walk Series across NS. There are 50 events led by local folks and participants qualify to win trail prizes. They are free or low-cost events and some require pre-registration.

Hike NS thanks its partners on the ground for organizing the events as well as Goose Lane Editions, Mountain Equipment Company and the NS Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage for their support. 

Find a hike or walk near you here by month or by region:

September     October    November    December 

Halifax Region          South Shore Region
Valley Region           Fundy Region
Highland Region      Cape Breton Region

Please help promote these events. Use this Promo Pieces document (Word file) to cut and paste various write ups for social media and other uses. Here are some social media graphics to download and use: Facebook, X and Instagram. Download and print this flyer and post in your local community. Here is the news release [link coming soon]. Thank you. 


Winter Guided Hike & Walk Series 2024

Hike Nova Scotia and 19 host organizations offered the Winter Guided Hike & Walk Series from January to March across NS. There were 43 hike, walk or snowshoe events with over 530 participants. Events were led by local folks and participants qualified to win trail prizes. Hike NS thanks its partners on the ground for organizing the events as well as Goose Lane Editions, Mountain Equipment Company and the NS Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage for their support. The series was linked to the Take the Roof Off Winter initiative.

For full highlights of this years Winter Guided Hike & Walk Series, check out this video here!

Other Events
Other Hike NS events are listed on our Events page. Hike NS shares our events as well as those of other organizations on our Facebook Instagram and X accounts!

Free Hike Leaders
Hike NS does not have the volunteer or staff capacity to provide free hike leaders to specific groups, so please contact your local community trail group or municipal recreation department - they might be able to help. And there are lots of free guided hike events already scheduled for you and your group to enjoy on our events page, organized by various organizations across the province.

Use a Local Tour Operator
If you are looking for a guided hiking tour with interpretation, transportation, gear, food/refreshments or special activities, please contact one of Nova Scotia’s excellent tour operators listed at
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